Articulate explores how creative thinking shapes the world.
Articulate connects audiences to the human stories behind art, offering a trustworthy, visually stimulating, never ordinary take on classical, contemporary, and popular art forms.

The Project
- UX
- Strategy
- Web Design
- Development
- Responsive Design
- WordPress CMS
Articulate is a public television documentary series on the creative arts hosted by Irish-American journalist Jim Cotter. Articulate profiles artists and how they interact with the world around them, with weekly 30-minute episodes on visual arts, crafts, ceramics, music, dance, photography, literature, and many other forms of art and expression. From acclaimed musicians and best-selling authors to designers changing the way we live, each episode explores what great creative thinkers and doers can tell us about who we are, who we’ve been, and who we might become.
The Articulate team partnered with Impart to create a new, scalable digital platform. We focused on organizing the series and educational resources into cohesive filterable collections making it easy to find content directly as well as explore the content organically. Together with the Articulate team, Impart helped reshape the website creating an experience where visitors could easily access current and previous seasons and learn more about the show.